Ahhh, I LOVE my Apple Mac. It’s very easy to upgrade the OS. One big drawback is my wife doesn’t always like the “upgrades”. She likes the look and feel of the older stuff. Me, on the other hand, likes new stuff so I enjoy the new features. Now, going back to Voyager, I am SUPER amazed at how they continue to function.
Let’s see? Universities cancel classes, give out milk & cookies and provide therapy when “which party” wins the presidency? Oh, yes, that’s correct – Republicans. When Biden won four years ago Republicans were upset but they pretty much went on with life. Democrats/Liberals had a meltdown four years ago and are doing so today.
The reason is that you are throwing away “air”. Consider this, you buy a sleeve of plastic cups which only takes up about 1’ high by 2 or 3” in diameter – for a party. The couple of dozen people drink from those cups and then throw them away – NOT stacked up. That winds up taking about 1 full trash bag. Same thing for the paper plates.
And when Trump wins Harris will be whining about stolen election. Schools will have to close down because students are having a meltdown, like they did in 2016. Come on man! Get a life and move on – just like they’ll tell the Republicans if she wins.
Just keep your pants on. Exercise a bit of self control.