I contend that a reverse print of an MRI image could produce a replica of the person living inside my skin. Does that advance the concept of creating an AI Companion for my wife once I am gone?
Choose your killing field. Aborting an otherwise healthy fetus for no more reason that the parent is disappointed in its sex, is murder if done inside or outside the womb.
And the sperm donator must also retain accountability —a point mostly neglected when proposing birth control laws.
Read the bills written by the Democrats. They say they don’t lie. So killing babies emerging from the birth canal is acceptable to you. Such a very sad testament to you.
I only care for our future generations, not the villains who attempt to mimic gods when they postulate murder as an acceptable birth control procedure. We can be smarter and more accountable. In the end we must be.
Just ask Google. Many, many states enable full term abortions.