The Woman is just hearing “meows” from Goldie; she’s talking to Goldie, but they’re not communicating with each other linguistically. The cats can understand the People, but only the children can understand the cats.♥
Yes, it was the SO DELICIOUS giant tortoise. But they didn’t all go extinct, although extant species are endangered and protected. Their deliciousness got in the way of them being classified by 19th century zoologists and receiving a fancy Latinate name.♥
Love the cuddly chainsaw. (The question about the dodo puts me in mind of a favourite bit from QI, where they discuss the Giant Tortoise. It’s safe for children, save for the very end when David Mitchell uses a four-letter word starting with “a” that means “overly fussy” youtube. com/watch?v=zPggB4MfPnk)♥
The Man and the Woman separated a couple of years ago. That’s why we haven’t seen him in the strip. Lupin mentioned the divorce in passing in one of the strips.♥
Some cats have an intense ‘grooming gene’ that’s set off by certain products. I had a cat who was very attracted to the hair gel I used and would lick at it with great gusto.♥
The Woman is just hearing “meows” from Goldie; she’s talking to Goldie, but they’re not communicating with each other linguistically. The cats can understand the People, but only the children can understand the cats.♥