I just want to say here that my grandkids and I have picked up my daughter’s slang (she has edited out her swear words since they were born). We all say sus now. It probably sounds weird for an old lady to say it, but it is cute as the dickens when a six-year-old boy says it.
The Woman hears small meows, and she interprets all of them as agreement — which a couple of them are. But she assumes Goldie is agreeing with everything, as in, for instance, Woman: “Hmm, I don’t know.” Goldie: “Neither do I.” As Orbsters, we can understand both cats and people, just the way the cats can understand people (when they want to).
So many people have said such good things here that I have nothing else to say except that you should please imagine us all standing by you in these days and nights of a new reality, helping with our prayers and thoughts to see you through the stages of grief to some comfort in happy memories. I am so glad that you were able to be there and that his final moments were so peaceful. I know that meant a lot to him, as it did to you.
Or the queen could have gone on a berserk rampage and bitten off her lover’s head, having ingested some long-since expired ant poison (so old that it does not have a zip code in the address of the (American) maker) that is no longer lethal, but has turned into some kind of formic hallucinogen.
I have gotten Covid boosters when they’ve been offered so I don’t have to live in fear (70 years old and in NYC, where the population is very dense, in the first wave).
I just want to say here that my grandkids and I have picked up my daughter’s slang (she has edited out her swear words since they were born). We all say sus now. It probably sounds weird for an old lady to say it, but it is cute as the dickens when a six-year-old boy says it.