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A ‘burper’ year for nuccumbers. Is the SALT Treaty no longer in effect?
To relieve myself a bit from SAD, I usually re-watch ‘Babette’s Feast’ and the two Addams Family movies….A most ‘ingenuous’ paradox?
Regarding Mirecki’s 1875 ‘Self Portrait’, one art critic quipped (caught up in the then-current ‘Paddy Mania’, and according to an unreliable source), “Yes, he paints well, I suppose, but he’s no Paderewski.” :/
“Will Ann Droid please call Extension 2135.”
They would probably prefer salt-water taffee — if they had teeth.
I suspect most jellyfish are lactose intolerant, anyway.
Naw. I STILL wonder why they’re called ‘sundaes’.
I wonder what would have happened if Earl had challenged him to not think about white elephants?
That is certainly ‘child logic’.
And in parting company, we might say, “Take it easy — but take it.”
A ‘burper’ year for nuccumbers. Is the SALT Treaty no longer in effect?