
JudithStocker Premium

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  1. 14 days ago on Pickles

    Well, Earl, this is the time to go recliner shopping for a companion chair for you (or Roscoe!). Better get one for Opal while you’re at it.

  2. 14 days ago on Ziggy

    Maybe these guys have come to take him away up on their planet (wherever that is) so he’ll be at home up there.

  3. 15 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    So very glad Annie was adopted by mom and dad in this strip.

  4. 15 days ago on Pickles

    Earl, he really just wanted your chair – not your “services”.

  5. 15 days ago on Ziggy

    How very true! When dealing with family members (any of them), handle it with business and not “friendship”. You’ll get less of a rotten deal out of it in the end.

  6. 16 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    I think mom has a lot to do with teaching her kittens to go in the litter box. I watched a mom cat with her kitten and the little one just follows her in the litter box and does what she does. It might be an instinct all cats/kittens have.

  7. 17 days ago on For Better or For Worse
    A lot of kids growing up never knew how to trust anyone because of having siblings that stole from them (like mine did) or who took things from them and sold it! So naturally, Candace would keep her distance from this crowd leaving them wondering why she isn’t like them.
  8. 17 days ago on Marmaduke

    All Marm would have to do is sneak up on the little boy on his left (or right) and snatch the sandwich. Then he’s off with it!

  9. 18 days ago on Crankshaft

    The strip sounds like a reminiscence of a budding cartoonist. Batiuk (or this character) had a lot to look back on for his cartoonist career (to come).

  10. 19 days ago on Crankshaft

    This shows what a checkered career Batiuk must’ve had (since this strip seems biographical with this character being interviewed)