Ahsum's Profile
Ahsum Free
My WordPress Page: HttPS :// MaiZing. WordPress. Com / ......................................................................... I added spaces to the web addresses because GoComics broke the way I wrote them before ......................................................................... My Amazon Author Page: HttPS :// WwW . Amazon . Com / Author / Maizing
Yes, I always play in creative mode. I have issues with the controls in survival mode, and tend to lose track of time as I work, so it would be a problem if I had to worry about monsters during the ‘night’ periods.
The structures I created to represent buildings from my stories are smaller than the real buildings would be. I figure each block is 2.5’ square (since the MineCraft avatars are two blocks tall, this would make them 5’ tall if they were real people).
Of course, the walls of real buildings aren’t usually 2.5’ thick. This messes up the representation, but I work with what I have. I figure it’s enough to know what door is where in a room, and I like the way the buildings turn out.