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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, I always play in creative mode. I have issues with the controls in survival mode, and tend to lose track of time as I work, so it would be a problem if I had to worry about monsters during the ‘night’ periods.

    The structures I created to represent buildings from my stories are smaller than the real buildings would be. I figure each block is 2.5’ square (since the MineCraft avatars are two blocks tall, this would make them 5’ tall if they were real people).

    Of course, the walls of real buildings aren’t usually 2.5’ thick. This messes up the representation, but I work with what I have. I figure it’s enough to know what door is where in a room, and I like the way the buildings turn out.

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I finished building models of my story buildings in Minecraft and have started an editing run of the stories I’m currently working on. Once I’m done with that, I’ll get back to writing.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  3. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  4. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m still building stuff in MineCraft to use as representations of buildings in my stories. I have three specific groups of buildings that are featured in the story I’m currently writing and am on the third of those. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this, and the other buildings I’ve made in MineCraft proved very useful.

    It’s also nice to take an occasional break from writing.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  5. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  6. 18 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve been building models of places from my stories in Minecraft this week. While the Minecraft buildings aren’t exact duplicates of the buildings from my stories, it helps when I have 3-D models that I can walk around to envision the environment my characters live in. I can see that the door to room ‘A’ is on my left as I enter a building, while the door to room ‘B’ is ahead and to my right.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  7. 18 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  8. 25 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve finished writing Abandoned. I considered adding more, but (as happened when I finished Colony), I had reached a perfect stopping point.

    I want to continue this series of events, and will have the rest of the stories in this book set in the same time period. The next story in the book flows from the events that happened in Abandoned.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  9. 25 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve made significant progress on Abandoned and have reached (and passed) the scene I’d originally planned to use for the opening. I’ve now run out of already written scenes and am working on the part of the story after those.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).