Well, it’s a wild guess, but it may be because I like Michael, Liz(now that she’s matured), and April. And far more often THEY are the viewpoint character.
As I recall, the school bully Brad Luggsworth had a very similar upbringing. But like Gordo, he made something of himself, first enlisting in the Air Force and after his stint, joining the city police. Unlike Gordo, however, his father never changed, and Brad got his revenge by pulling over his drunken father and personally chucking him in the slammer!
It was all Elly’s fault, as usual. Mike was sitting in the passenger seat of her new fogey-wagon listening to the radio when Gordon hopped in the driver’s side to check it out, Mike had no idea his pal would put it in gear and fly across the street to hit a few garbage cans. No damage, but Cru-Elly didn’t care. She grounded the innocent Mike anyway and sent Gordon home, and he came to school the next day with severe damage done to his face.
Well, it’s a wild guess, but it may be because I like Michael, Liz(now that she’s matured), and April. And far more often THEY are the viewpoint character.