This reminds me of a cartoon that appeared in the newspaper when I was a teenager. It was “Larry Gore’s Things”. The strip I remember was a recurring strip called “the Fellas: America’s slowest moving action strip”. Panel 1: The fellas are in a car stopped at a RED traffic light, the sun is rising on the left. Panel 2: The fellas are stopped at the same RED traffic light, the sun is setting on the right. Panel 3: The fellas are still stopped at the same RED traffic light, the sun is rising on the left again. One of the Fellas says “I think the light is broken”
Why is she taking a picture of the chalk outline? I would think a picture of the ceiling-height-challenged victim lying in that spot would hold more information. Also, why no gloves while holding the stick? Perhaps it was MADE to look like an accident! I guess I have to remember: This is a cartoon!!
‽ is called an interrobang