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If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it. Besides, Nerwin got there first.
Mark Cuban was actually pretty classy in response to last night’s events. Very refreshing.
Get a life, pasta boy!
Is that Quimp’s gauntleted hand?
If you don’t like the cartoon, nobody is forcing you to read it.
She’s no help. All through that song they’re pleading with her to help and we never hear about her response.
Now Quimp can join the Headless Hunt – Unlike Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
I’m just grateful that we get any updates at all. There was a REALLY LONG period when I thought Steve had died.
I haven’t laughed so hard at a comic in a long time. Thanks @Bea R.
Come to think of it, “Rude” is giving the self-righteous lecture to a random person in the park.
If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it. Besides, Nerwin got there first.