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stevegayle Free

Engineer. Physicist. Educator. Salesman to the multiverse.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    “All your cat are belong to us”

  2. 9 days ago on Luann

    I predict Bets gets injured or slipped a roofie by the inebriateswhich lets Tiffany come to her rescue and add some depth tothe characters who are rather 1 dimensional in a 2D medium.Like Robotman (1980’s) it may be time to spin the strip into a more interesting character (flawed) development series.Delta never got the arcs she deserved, Gunther did, Bets lingers onthe edge of becoming more complex. Tiffany has been a 1-note jokebut may have as much depth as fellow blondie Rutger Hauer.

  3. 9 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am from the “Tis but a scratch” generation but even I go to Urgent Care.Last time they plopped me into a wheelchair (hey I can walk!)and after consults they wheeled me to ER Cardiology for angio and 2 new stents. So if you’ve had any kind of heart/lung issues, dont delay.They may not have Breaking Cat News in the afterlife, or Our Nine Lives

  4. 11 days ago on Luann

    I haven’t had McDonalds in years. I worked a summer as a teenager in HS before landing jobs as a janitor (a step up) a lab rat (step up) and eventuallya grad student spa and physicist (definitely a downward move).Wonder if I still have my Ray Kroc “WELCOME TO THE TEAM” intro 45 stuck in with Dr Hook Medicine Show and POP MUZIK 45’s…(I do the rock…)

  5. 11 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I want to see the smartest cat (Puck or Goldie) make the strategic decisionto press their OFF switches and capture their recharge stations.Wondering why Burt the TechnoKitty and Elvis haven’t put in appearance.Tommy would probably put friendship stickers on the alien visitors.

  6. 20 days ago on Luann

    Certain politicians may make us laugh ourselves to death…

  7. 25 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Cats(and dogs) cant have chocolate, does that also apply to orchids like vanilla? I know they cant have garlic/onion either (market has a garlic braidfor sale so it seemed like a good idea to repel pests rats vampires lawyers;maybe it will work on the ex also)

  8. 26 days ago on Luann

    Um clearly most comments aren’t from guys.Most men approach life as “What? Were you talking to me?”When a guy is asked “what are your thinking?” refer to my statement.The owners manual for guys is 1.Feed them 2. Have a sense of humor

  9. 26 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    My sister and I entertained ourselves for hours with this technology in 1960’s.That and drawing faces on brown paper shopping bags then punching outarmholes and breathing spaces…who needs Xbox when you have a cardboard box racer/rocketship and tin can galactic communications?(plus being a skinny 4 year old with imagination, little impulse control)The one thing missing in StarTrek iterations was grumpy oldsters (like me)griping about everything being made of cheap plastic and a throw-awayeconomy. The next generation need raccoon-like animals (Marvel?) thatrepurpose/repair/scavenge and a poster of Sanford&Son.Maybe Picard tinkering with an old Zenith radio?Just imagine a 24th Century drama of I’m Coming Elizabeth with Esther as the villain and Grady The Clown…Sorry but seeing the raccoon kit wearing a colander (space soldier helmet!)

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I would like BCN to broadcast the Walt Kelly poem:Oh roar a roar for Nora;Nora Alice in the night,For she has seen Aurora Borealis burning bright(with all of the anthropomorphic critters in BCN, I wonder if that was an early influence on Georgia’s cartooning)