C’mon man; not a single example, who do you think you’re talking to, your naive base? As for Walz, yeah he really worked hard bailing out on his men right before they went to a combat zone; a real liberal hero. And as for snowflakes; look into a mirror, cry me a river and practice your pronouns. ROGL
I know you liberals were weaned on handouts but how about looking it up on your own for a change or ask one of your liberal elite betters to chop up your food for you.
To clarify; leftys bellyache about the denigration of women from the right ad nauseam (as you have skillfully demonstrated), and yet progressive women have no qualms to viciously eviscerate conservative women who don’t share their ‘enlightened’ point of view. The hypocrites should take the beam out of their own eye first.
It’s never acceptable to denigrate women except if they don’t agree with the lockstep liberal dogma. If they do; act like a Harpy, show no mercy and rip them to shreds.- Progressive Women’s Handbook Also, the good looking, intelligent women on Fox News sure don’t look that ‘miserable and unhappy’ to me; but then, what does a deplorable MAGA neanderthal like me know?
No rush; suggest holding off till the beach apes move on or become extinct.