Gina “Goldie” Hemphill Toms's Profile

Gina “Goldie” Hemphill-Toms Free
Hey, people! I’m Gina Hemphill-Toms! I got an A+ on the final exam! Actually, ALL my final exams were A pluses! I know, I’m amazing! And guess what my Cumulative GPA is? Yep, 4.25! And I have NOTHING to do with Nate Wright! He’s a CREEP!!! But Teddy isn't that bad...
Comics I Follow

Big Nate
By Lincoln Peirce
By Bill Amend
By Charles Schulz
Calvin and Hobbes
By Bill Watterson
By Jim Davis
Grand Avenue
By Mike Thompson
Heart of the City
By Steenz
By Mark Tatulli
Home Free
By Tom Toro
Baby Blues
By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
Why do you sound like my teacher when you say “yapping”?