
Purplelady Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Stone Soup

    I’m not sure telling Alex the truth is a good idea.

  2. 21 days ago on Pickles

    Yup. One wants implants. The other is just going to get planted….deep.

  3. 21 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Or radio ads. Radio ads should not have a horn honk in them. Startles me every time when I’m driving.

  4. 22 days ago on Aunty Acid

    I was wondering if anyone else noticed the picture.

  5. 29 days ago on Shirley and Son Classics

    I would have laughed, given him a snack, then tell him don’t do it again, bikes don’t belong in the house.

  6. 29 days ago on Ben


  7. 29 days ago on One Big Happy

    LOL!!! Good one!

  8. about 1 month ago on Ben

    Sometimes it did. It’s the hope that keeps ya going.

  9. about 1 month ago on Shirley and Son Classics

    Nope, I haven’t. I used to work at a place where we all had our own colored business cards, mine were purple. When handing someone my card I would say, “When you come back, ask for the Purple Lady”. And they would! I visited the store awhile back and was told they still have people come in or call asking for the, “Purple Lady”.

  10. about 1 month ago on Ben

    If you hold the side of the wishbone with the curve to the left you will always win. I never lost with my sisters growing up cause I always grabbed the bone first and made sure I had that side. It works!