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I would say that a career becomes a job when you start counting the days to your vacation…
So much has changed. Now he can get his English muffin – with egg, cheese, and Canadian bacon – anytime he wants.
Awww, you beat me to it.
The strip was originally printed in 1969, so she’s still got a few decades to go…
She left him for Paul Mock-cartney.
I suspect Blatter did what he normally did – rig the votes in his favor…
Actually, they only have four divisions now…
Dog dish garnishing storyline, HO!
Anyone notice that Luann’s mom looks a lot like an older, brunette version of Luann?
I think this was actually pre-Peppermint Patty.
Way too true.
I would say that a career becomes a job when you start counting the days to your vacation…