Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for July 07, 2014
literary calendar monday 7 p.m. alicia sloe-lorris initials "the tiny book of twee bromides by the cash register." vapid books & such. 7 p.m. duane "li'l tom" hooper, t.s. eliot impersonator, reads "the waste land" with a pissy, supercilious look on his face then blows up when somebody asks him to sing selections from "cats." bogus bookshoppe. wednesday 7 p.m. former president bill clinton discusses "what is is! my life since the last book." back-slapping, hand-holding, panty-raid & hugfest to follow. barnes & noble at bypass plaza. 7 p.m. microsoft's bill gates reads from "my america, mine, mine, mine - a vision for the future" at books-a-billion. saturday 1 p.m. activist-perform-ance poet m'bolo stupak podgorny reads from "steal this book & heave it through a plate glass window." workshop to follow. pulpitation bookstore. 7 p.m. an infinite num-ber of chimpanzees discuss their multi-volume "treasury of western literature with no typos" at the museum of na-tural history. nit picking to follow.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Back in the Good Ol’ Days when my local newspaper was a real broadsheet and had a real Sunday books magazine, there was always a page that read just exactly like this…. Really…. Well, sort of…. Maybe no monkeys….
aerilim over 10 years ago
I’ll attend Bill Clinton’s panty raid. Sounds like a lot of fun!
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
Podgorny sounds wonderfful, love his pipes.
Banjo Evans over 10 years ago
Chaucer ain’t no monkeys. And how.