Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for January 16, 2012
With the prison train derailed, Rip loses his jailbird and any chance of saving his family! Bolt: Get rid of the svelte lawman, and then meet us at the hideout. And bring some Dunkin' donuts! Man: Grumble. Not on my gift card! Mac Cactus is a friend of mine, maybe my only one. And brother, unless you've had a serious stroke, you ain't him! Rip: Name's Haywire. Here's some advice - if you want to make more friends, don't point guns at me. Man: Oh, is that righ - Do you have any other friendship tips? I do get pretty lonely!
Rod Gonzalez about 13 years ago
Man, Rip is in rare form today!
Mongo about 13 years ago
No gratuitous, slam bang, knuckles in the face, KAPOW!!! panel?
Chithing Premium Member about 13 years ago
I think maybe he disarmed the guy so fast, there wasn’t time to draw it.
Kydex29 about 13 years ago
Big, BIG mistake to hold Rip at gunpoint at less than arm’s length.
DorianKTB about 13 years ago
Great dialogue! I’ll be curious to see if the Navajo-looking gent and Rip will join forces against the bad guys!
Linda Solomon about 13 years ago
Remember that Rip stopped a prison train guard from beating the Navajo with the butt of his rifle. Now he says that Mac Cactus is his possibly only friend. I just know that they will join forces and that the blondes (town Doctor and her neice – RJ’s girlfriend) with the puppy Trip are in action somehow helping to free Cobra and Dutch and R.J. and Tnt. They will of course join forces ( except for Dutch who will be treated for blood loss and shock by the pretty blonde Doctor ) to get the jailbirds back and rescue Linc Lawson the D.A. I dont know how this will be done but I forsee a lot of Ka Blam O’s and Ka Bloo ies!! HUGPOUNCESZZZ Haywire Hooligans!
Dragoncat about 13 years ago
Here’s another friendship tip…Be prepared to tell Rip Haywire where the hideout is, or kiss your gift card goodbye.
joe-b-cool about 13 years ago
Wanna see me disarm you? ….Wanna see it again?
mntim about 13 years ago
I’ve done that. Accidentally, but I did it.
Veridian about 13 years ago
Nahhhh! Chuck Norris woulda just caught the Bullet in his Teeth and spit it back at the Bad Guy killing him Instantly :-)