Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 26, 2012
Rip: You sold popokitty to the witch doctor who is bilking all those villagers out of their fortunes? Man: Yup! Rip: I've met some shrewd trolls in my day, but selling out your own people... Man: Still my people, except now I'm rich people and they ain't. Rip: You're going to straighten this out and end this charade, pard. Man: No can do, sucker. Don't forget I got the gun. Cobra: Not for long! TNT: Jinx!
Veridian almost 13 years ago
FINALLY!!!! Popokitty Problem Ka-Popped Haywire Style! Dan, THESE are the Moments all True Hooligans Live For!! Panel 4 is the Best! ROFLMBO….I’ll HUGPOUNCESZZZ and High Five everyone when I catch My Breath! :-) Have a Great Day Everyone!
mntim almost 13 years ago
Ka-Pop, down goes the weasel!
johnrussco almost 13 years ago
Rip is the man!
johnrussco almost 13 years ago
johnrussco almost 13 years ago
good arc! THANKS Dan Thompson, just like Rip, you R the man.
DorianKTB almost 13 years ago
This kind of “jinx” we like! It’s clock-cleaning time, and I’m buyin’! :-) High-fives and HUGPOUNCESZZZ to all Haywire Hooligans everywhere!
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
Gee… A lot of good that gun is doing now…