I know it’s a different Keats that is featured here but it reminded of an item in one of Spike Milligan’s war memoirs. In it a sergeant says, “tonight the major is going to give you a talk about Keats. I don’t suppose any of you higgerent bast—ds knows what a Keat is”. Made me laugh. Plenty of other examples if anyone wants to read them. Books all still available in shops and on Kindle.
Like the Great Wall of China, when they say any man-made object “can be seen from space”, they’re either full of $#!% or using a very low-orbit definition of “space”. For example, you can barely make out the conveyor belt at https://www.google.com/maps/@25.3974477,-8.6427783,1612503m/data=1e3 but if you zoom out any further it just blends in with the sand, as would be expected of something that’s only a couple feet wide.
pearlsbs about 5 years ago
The conveyor belt transports phosphate ore from a mining operation in Bou Craa in Western Sahara to the harbor town of Marsa near El Aaiún.
Leroy about 5 years ago
“Rah Rah Sis-Boom Bah! Ten-to-one that that team crumbles!
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, or lots of fumbles!”
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
Is it a good thing FDR wasn’t diagnosed w/polio in his cheerleading days? (I thought “The Snowy Day” was published in the 1960s, 70s or 80s.)
Sky_Shachaq about 5 years ago
I love The Snowy Day. I had it when I was a child and read it a great deal.
jimmjonzz Premium Member about 5 years ago
Cheerleaders, good.
Was any President a more accomplished football player than Leslie King, aka Gerald Ford?
Tog about 5 years ago
I know it’s a different Keats that is featured here but it reminded of an item in one of Spike Milligan’s war memoirs. In it a sergeant says, “tonight the major is going to give you a talk about Keats. I don’t suppose any of you higgerent bast—ds knows what a Keat is”. Made me laugh. Plenty of other examples if anyone wants to read them. Books all still available in shops and on Kindle.
mswinson about 5 years ago
Checked out more than 10 times/day?… typical socialist, I mean Democratic, manipulation of the facts by NYC government.
Janos about 5 years ago
Big deal. Anything’s bigger than a dime is visible from space.
khmo about 5 years ago
So what does that belt convey?
danholt about 5 years ago
More on the conveyor belt here…https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/35524/bou-craa-western-sahara
watcheratthewell about 5 years ago
OK – - but you can also see my mailbox from space – -
Sassy's Mom about 5 years ago
Yep. Once upon a time there were guys on the high school cheerleading squads. I don’t know when that stopped.
ARĈJO about 5 years ago
Like the Great Wall of China, when they say any man-made object “can be seen from space”, they’re either full of $#!% or using a very low-orbit definition of “space”. For example, you can barely make out the conveyor belt at https://www.google.com/maps/@25.3974477,-8.6427783,1612503m/data=1e3 but if you zoom out any further it just blends in with the sand, as would be expected of something that’s only a couple feet wide.
Bilan about 5 years ago
Several things are claimed to be visible from space, but are not. Unless the conveyor belt is incredibly wide, it cannot be seen.
Malcome1 about 5 years ago
“Can be seen from space” is not a good reference. That could be anywhere from about 65 miles to infinity.
stamps about 5 years ago
Let’s see them wave those pom-poms.
dwdl21 about 5 years ago
So who’s heading down to the Library to read The Snowy Day? lol
craigwestlake about 5 years ago
Now, with that information try not to picture them in cheerleader skirts…
Ed Brault Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The Roads must ROLL!