So AI predicts hit songs (a questionable use of any kind of intelligence)! So consumers just send their music buying dollars directly to who; the artists, the producers, the song writers or the record publishers? And since the AI predicts the hits, what becomes of Bill Board Magazine lists; and the folks who compile the data to produce the lists? It is no longer necessary to wait for sales to determine popularity since AI does it for us? Ah, yes, the “End of the World as We Know It” (another hit song) is just upon the near horizon!
Hope his protective pads are made of kevlar – traveling fast on a skateboard doesn’t give you much time to dodge or stop “hitting the rails” – tomorrow’s strip with be about Helen Kelnievel who couldn’t see what she was jumping on her motorcycle
In 2023 Adobe also got caught dozens of times using AI to plagiarize other people’s art so that Adobe could sell it for a profit without providing the original artist any royalties for their work
californiamonty 10 months ago
Uses use?
jimmjonzz Premium Member 10 months ago
There are videos of the project primrose dress on YouTube.
Next, an improved version of the Rorschach mask?
Bilan 10 months ago
Justin has obviously become very good, but his dog still gets freaked out.
Bilan 10 months ago
The only thing the AI needs to predict a hit is whether it came from Taylor Swift or BTS.
SpaceBuckaroo 10 months ago
“uses use?”
ladykat 10 months ago
I like the dress.
dwindy54 10 months ago
When’s AI gonna be able to predict yesterdays weather?
Rick Parkhurst Premium Member 10 months ago
I am suddenly much less frightened of AI.
BearsDown Premium Member 10 months ago
A computer wrote the song based on a formula. It makes sense that another computer would know if it was a hit with the meat-based lifeforms.
dv1093 10 months ago
Just exactly how does that A1 sauce work?
jsimpso1 10 months ago
Speaking of blind, where’s the editor that allowed “…is blind and uses use a cane…”?
mindjob 10 months ago
That’s 97% of the songs I won’t listen to
NoNameOntheBullet Premium Member 10 months ago
So AI predicts hit songs (a questionable use of any kind of intelligence)! So consumers just send their music buying dollars directly to who; the artists, the producers, the song writers or the record publishers? And since the AI predicts the hits, what becomes of Bill Board Magazine lists; and the folks who compile the data to produce the lists? It is no longer necessary to wait for sales to determine popularity since AI does it for us? Ah, yes, the “End of the World as We Know It” (another hit song) is just upon the near horizon!
richard 10 months ago
Music lovers (in total) predict hit songs with 100% accuracy.
oish 10 months ago
Hope his protective pads are made of kevlar – traveling fast on a skateboard doesn’t give you much time to dodge or stop “hitting the rails” – tomorrow’s strip with be about Helen Kelnievel who couldn’t see what she was jumping on her motorcycle
Angry Indeed Premium Member 10 months ago
Now Adobe needs to improve the appearance of the wearers. Shape shifter welcome.
moondog42 Premium Member 10 months ago
In 2023 Adobe also got caught dozens of times using AI to plagiarize other people’s art so that Adobe could sell it for a profit without providing the original artist any royalties for their work
Jogger2 10 months ago
Some people who are blind are learning to use echo location, similar to what bats do. Sounds like that is what Justin Bishop is doing.
Stephen Gilberg 10 months ago
The other 3% are novelty songs.
Chris Sherlock 10 months ago
If it predicts hit songs with a 97% accuracy rate, it truly is artificial intelligence.
pbr50138 10 months ago
Two thumbs up to Justin on his desire to skateboard.