There were several studies done in the early day of video games (when the games still required a “joystick”) that showed that puzzle games such as Tetris helped with eye / hand coordination
I wonder if the PTSD thing still works if they play the “Monty Python quest for the Holy Grail” video game that has a tetris-like game called “Drop Dead” where corpses are dropped in tetris shapes while a voice claims “I’m not dead”, “I feel fine”, “I feel happy”.
Maybe the music to the original that becomes an embedded earworm is part of the therapy
At least the doctors can work on their reflexes playing the whack-a-mole like game “Spank the Virgin”
Yes, but exactly what types of surgery do game-players excel at? Arrow extraction, post-mace reconstruction, lance run-throughs? Complete disintegration from explosives?
The relevant question is how common are game-injury surgeries?
The dude from FL Premium Member 2 months ago
I believe that about surgeons playing video games. Improves their finer skills, maybe
Leroy 2 months ago
…unless the trauma occurred during an earthquake, inside a building that collapsed piece by piece.
Pickled Pete 2 months ago
A Great Classic is a classics for a reason.
Why is 6 afraid of 7?……
Because 7 eight 9!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Why does 10 suffer from PTSD?……
Because the poor SOB was right in the middle of 9/11.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I just got kicked out of my support group for those chronically depressed with PTSD.
We were trying to think up a group name,
but apparently ‘The Suicide Squad’ just isn’t considered appropriate.
h.v.greenman 2 months ago
There were several studies done in the early day of video games (when the games still required a “joystick”) that showed that puzzle games such as Tetris helped with eye / hand coordination
Huckleberry Hiroshima 2 months ago
Some would rather play with a Cavity Samantha.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 2 months ago
Video games do sharpen the mind, that’s for sure!
ChessPirate 2 months ago
Many Ukraine Soldiers “decompress” by playing an FPS where they shoot monsters…
oish 2 months ago
I wonder if the PTSD thing still works if they play the “Monty Python quest for the Holy Grail” video game that has a tetris-like game called “Drop Dead” where corpses are dropped in tetris shapes while a voice claims “I’m not dead”, “I feel fine”, “I feel happy”.
Maybe the music to the original that becomes an embedded earworm is part of the therapy
At least the doctors can work on their reflexes playing the whack-a-mole like game “Spank the Virgin”
mindjob 2 months ago
Somehow I don’t think video games are a substitute for medical school
The Duke 2 months ago
What kind of parent would name their child Cavity? A dentist?
heligoland 2 months ago
RN pilots used to claim they needed to play computer games to improve their hand-eye co-ordination. I suppose it could be true of surgeons too.
ekke 2 months ago
Yes, but exactly what types of surgery do game-players excel at? Arrow extraction, post-mace reconstruction, lance run-throughs? Complete disintegration from explosives?
The relevant question is how common are game-injury surgeries?
Well, OK, Watts, Compton, yeah, I get it.
news 2 months ago
“Okay, I’ve guessed Wordle in four. Now let’s get cuttin’!”
6turtle9 2 months ago
Sam got that nickname in prison where he was the king of the cavity search.
Pickled Pete 2 months ago
The editor of the local newspaper told a photographer to get over there and take pictures of the 100 year old twins.
One of the twins was hard of hearing and the other could hear quite well.
Once the photographer arrived he asked the sisters to sit on the sofa.
The deaf sister said to her twin “WHAT DID HE SAY?”
“Now get a little closer together” said the cameraman.
So they wiggled up close to each other.
“Just hold on for a bit longer, I’ve got to focus the camera” said the photographer.
Yet again “WHAT DID HE SAY?”
With a big grin, the deaf twin shouted out “OH LARD JESUS! BOTH OF US?? CAN I BE FIRST?”
comicalUser 2 months ago
Digging out the classic on the classic NES! Some hospital, somewhere, has an operational one (mine sure is!)?