Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for December 04, 2024

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    Gizmo Cat  3 months ago

    We were at a garden centre last weekend and saw a nice ornament of a ferris wheel which actually moved. Made from balsa wood, looked really nice, so I opted to buy it for our home. But my husband asked; where would we place it? And well…we just left it there, as we just don’t have enough space as it is for all the Christmas ornaments we already have.

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    BJDucer  2 months ago

    I think those who wish to decorate with garland should be responsible for the following:

    Deciding the color, shape, circumference, and length of the garland chains to purchase because another person just is not able to purchase the garland you had in mind.

    Dressing the house with it including the stairway’s hand railing’s posts.

    Taking down all the garland once the season is over.

    Gather all the garland up and storing it for a year.

    Wait a full year without every thinking about garland again until next Christmas…then that person will continue to be responsible for:

    Retrieving the garland from such storage area next year.

    Spend much longer than anticipated trying to untangle the garland.

    Repeat the above mentioned decoration process.

    Find the finances to buy new garland because the old garland is “too flat” from a year’s storage.

    Repeat both the decision making process of what type of garland to purchase.

    Remove the “flat garland” and the repeat the decoration process.

    And finally, recognize you can’t quite part with the old garland and put it back in storage for another year along with the garland you just bought.

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    odoactor Premium Member 2 months ago

    It’s much easier to just make a popcorn garland, and eat it once the holiday is over.

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    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  2 months ago

    This is like my wife. I work from home. When I shut down yesterday and left my home office I found my wife had wrapped all the bannisters in the house and the dinning room hanging light in the stuff.

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    ladykat Premium Member 2 months ago

    It’s alive!

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    GoldLions Premium Member 2 months ago

    Looks just like our attic.

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    megerkey  2 months ago

    Under one mile?

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    chief tommy  2 months ago

    Looks like a boa

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  2 months ago

    Hang the garland on an OUTSIDE tree in the woods

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    Nobody_Important  2 months ago

    I agree Rose! One person’s reasonable it another’s overboard. As the joke goes, if it doesn’t move, decorate it!

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    Linda Schweiner Premium Member 2 months ago

    Green and Gold garland? They must be Green Bay Packers fans. ;-)

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    eddi-TBH  2 months ago

    The trouble with Christmas in winter is that cabin fever can have a major effect on overdoing the decorations.

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    KenDHoward1  2 months ago

    My first wife was that way with tree lights … I swear, they could see our tree from space. ;)

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    DEACON FRED  2 months ago


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    DKHenderson  2 months ago

    I love Jimbo’s knowing grin!

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    mafastore  2 months ago

    I am Jewish – never had a Christmas tree, other than in elementary school there was one decorated in each classroom.

    My husband is Catholic. He decorates outside with my help. I decorate inside. Now up to 4 Christmas trees plus a beaded one I made. The excess sort of came about organically. We had a big tree (all trees artificial as that is what his family always had) in the living room. We had found a wholesaler in Manhattan who opened to the public between Thanksgiving and Christmas – and that was after we had plenty of ornaments for the tree – we get one as souvenir when we travel.

    We had gotten a new tree one year, but before we threw out the one we had used in years past I kept the top of the old one and had him make a base for it. I took some of the excess teddy bear ornaments and put them on this small tree which was upstairs in “the teddys room”. This has since developed into a year round village of teddy and other bears – figurines, small stuffed, plastic etc. The village gets changed month by month to the new theme 11 times a year.

    Then I realized that the tree was being taken over by the brass ornaments we get from Col. Williamsburg as donors. So,,,, yes, our dining room which is decorated in 18th century (though tree and ornaments not appropriate to same) now has a tree with most of these ornaments.

    Another couple of years go past. We each work in an assortment of craft media and have made many ornaments over the years. Sooo, we bought another small tree and we put it in our studio – where it can be seen easily from the kitchen – and put most of our handmade ornaments on it – keeping some on the main tree.

    Living room has the big main tree with mixed ornaments that go with these trees, as well as filled in by other ornaments.

    And just for fun- I made a beaded Christmas tree (about a foot tall) and ornaments for it.

    And we also have a Chanukah Menorah (candelabra) for same.

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