Ah, yes. The 1970’s. Hideous clothes and Disco!! Glorius memories!
Beauty’s where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
Soul is in the musical
That’s where I feel so beautiful
Magical, life’s a ball
So get up on the dance floor
Master Tip. Giggle.
The ’70’s were GREAT! DISCO RULES!!!
KC135E/R BOOMER 3 months ago
Ah, yes. The 1970’s. Hideous clothes and Disco!! Glorius memories!
Buoy 3 months ago
Beauty’s where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
Soul is in the musical
That’s where I feel so beautiful
Magical, life’s a ball
So get up on the dance floor
6turtle9 3 months ago
Master Tip. Giggle.
olds_cool63 3 months ago
The ’70’s were GREAT! DISCO RULES!!!