Growing up, I encountered many snakes while fishing, picking blackberries or hiking through the woods, killing them
with rocks or a garden hoe, where I found them. I felt no remorse or regrets, my philosophy was, the only good snake, is a dead snake.The one in that tree would take a big hoe to kill it.
There’s a Boa missing in a park not too far from where I live in Michigan — it was somebody’s pet, but the whole area is in a tizzy. I simply hope they find it and it can return home with its owner.
Among the members of the menagerie at my house is a 12 y/o ball python named Margaret. Occasionally, Margaret goes walkabout and believe me, the process of hunting for a lost snake has its pitfalls. She once fell on me out of the linen closet where she had made her way to the top shelf
Shikamoo Premium Member about 13 years ago
I found it!!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 13 years ago
Rather, IT found me….
Hillbillyman about 13 years ago
with rocks or a garden hoe, where I found them. I felt no remorse or regrets, my philosophy was, the only good snake, is a dead snake.The one in that tree would take a big hoe to kill it.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
Not a big fan of snakes myself…
Michelle Morris about 13 years ago
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
He may be snake-bitten.
jtviper7 about 13 years ago
Looks like a constrictor to me…
montycantsin2 about 13 years ago
Monty Python?
benbrilling about 13 years ago
I believe that’s a power pole, not a tree. Anyone able to figure out what the circular sign that you can only see the bottom of says?
(I’m proud to say I’ve never killed a snake.)
benbrilling about 13 years ago
Never mind. I just figured out that it is part of a snake, not part of a sign.
daverrtech about 13 years ago
I love it!!! My ball python loves it too!
REDROCKER51 about 13 years ago
that’s a wrap up..folks !!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
There’s a Boa missing in a park not too far from where I live in Michigan — it was somebody’s pet, but the whole area is in a tizzy. I simply hope they find it and it can return home with its owner.
PsychicAssassin over 6 years ago
Among the members of the menagerie at my house is a 12 y/o ball python named Margaret. Occasionally, Margaret goes walkabout and believe me, the process of hunting for a lost snake has its pitfalls. She once fell on me out of the linen closet where she had made her way to the top shelf