Congratulations to Mister Coverly on being “old school” and not feeling compelled to add an apostrophe “s” to a word that ends in “s.” We old timers are few and far between. (And to anywhere Mister Blue’s question: Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to a lifetime rolling a large stone up the side of a mountain. The rolling was without end . . . Sort of like listening to much contemporary [synthesized] music.)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
In case he forgets, it’ll all come back to him, soon…..
laseyboy almost 11 years ago
If it was really Hell he’d be throwing the ball down the hill.
anorok2 almost 11 years ago
Do I have to Google this in order to understand this?….or will someone be nice and tell me what this means?
frmac almost 11 years ago
Congratulations to Mister Coverly on being “old school” and not feeling compelled to add an apostrophe “s” to a word that ends in “s.” We old timers are few and far between. (And to anywhere Mister Blue’s question: Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to a lifetime rolling a large stone up the side of a mountain. The rolling was without end . . . Sort of like listening to much contemporary [synthesized] music.)
jtviper7 almost 11 years ago
I love it… I use to have a girlfriend that had a Jack Russel. I also had a small remote control car… Hours of fun.
dflak almost 11 years ago
The Greeks sure had some interesting ways to torture people who pissed off their gods.
Skylark almost 11 years ago
Oh! that IS cruel of him…