Know thyself -Socrates Sniff myself -Socrates Dog
So, then, who said “Lick Thyself”?
“Snow thyself,” said Frosty the Snowman.
It’s all in a Dog Day Afternoon…
Isn’t that supposed to be “Socrates’s dog”?
Nope. Words ending in S don’t get another following the apostrophe for possessive.
Thought that only applied to plurals, e.g., “the Smiths’ dog”
July 17, 2015
RwB1 almost 8 years ago
So, then, who said “Lick Thyself”?
Radish the wordsmith almost 8 years ago
“Snow thyself,” said Frosty the Snowman.
jtviper7 almost 8 years ago
It’s all in a Dog Day Afternoon…
JudyAz almost 8 years ago
Isn’t that supposed to be “Socrates’s dog”?
bobbyferrell almost 8 years ago
Nope. Words ending in S don’t get another following the apostrophe for possessive.
JudyAz almost 8 years ago
Thought that only applied to plurals, e.g., “the Smiths’ dog”