Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for November 05, 2024

  1. Test01b
    LawrenceS  3 months ago

    Fans are not allowed to bring water bottles into the stadium. Inside they can buy bottles of water with commemorative label just for that game. Cost: $6.50. Of the cost $5.00 is a deposit. Turn in the empty and get $5.00 back. Those who want the commemorative label for that game won’t turn them in (leaving college with piles of $$$) and making anyone reluctant to be tossing the equivalent of five bucks onto the field.

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  2. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  3 months ago

    That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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    baskate_2000  3 months ago

    The thought of something this stupid happening boggles the mind!

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    bobtoledo Premium Member 3 months ago

    Well, it’s the fans that are the problem; just ask the Little Leagues.

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    smartman  3 months ago

    The solution in the SEC is to be the team that needs the refs to throw the game for them given their position in the standings and playoff. That’s why Georgia got that absolutely egregious call that won them the game. Georgia couldn’t lose a 2nd game that early, pure and simple. Welcome to the SEC, Texas. I told you what would happen. SEC, home of rigged officiating since my entire lifetime (almost 50 years).

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    Sam Handwich  3 months ago

    On my first ship, a very strong young man came back drunk late one Saturday night. He made a huge racket, and someone told him to “[blank]ing knock it off!” The young man grabbed a nearby “scuttlebutt” (water fountain), wrested it out of the deck, and flung it at him.

    That strong young man wasn’t in the Navy much longer after that.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 months ago

    In Philadelphia,they only throw snowballs at Santa Claus

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