I had a heck of a time getting a translation for “pomme de terre crue”. First, neither Google Translate or Bing Translate even would admit to the phrase being French! There were some archaic (Old French) suggestions: Pomme = Apple or Potato, so OK on that one. Terre = Earth, and Crue = To grow, so I suppose the usage could end up being “Raw Potato”.
But the first thing I thought of was "So Terry Crews’ name means “Raw?” Cool! ッ
oldpine52 about 3 years ago
Only the French would call a potato an apple.
GROG Premium Member about 3 years ago
May I suggest another dining establishment?
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 3 years ago
Where’s Mr. Creosote when you need him?
Zebrastripes about 3 years ago
Not thanks but I’ll have the Vichyssoise with crusty bread points….
ChessPirate about 3 years ago
I had a heck of a time getting a translation for “pomme de terre crue”. First, neither Google Translate or Bing Translate even would admit to the phrase being French! There were some archaic (Old French) suggestions: Pomme = Apple or Potato, so OK on that one. Terre = Earth, and Crue = To grow, so I suppose the usage could end up being “Raw Potato”.
But the first thing I thought of was "So Terry Crews’ name means “Raw?” Cool! ッ
KEA about 3 years ago
Everything sounds better in French… until you know what it means
Plods with ...™ about 3 years ago
Peels are the side
MontanaLady about 3 years ago
Rory is so knowledgeable. (Not)
christelisbetty about 3 years ago
French unfries…unfried