It’s called Municipal Art. Utterly meaningless, purchased by a clueless Art Council, too abstract for anyone to be offended – except for the whole, “The City paid $245,000 for that!?”
one year our state was tearing down an overpass, cuz there was a sinkhole and when the overpass was removed you never noticed the sinkhole that much…but i digress…anyway, back to my point…all the rebar & concrete was a tangled balled up mess in the median of the interstate & my brother who worked for the state, took a picture of the rebar & concrete & ART was the first thing that came to mind when i saw that…the second thing that came to mind was put this picture into a puzzle and wouldn’t that be a wonderful challenge?!
I always thought that “art” should be esthetically pleasing, like “music.” Then again, I had a professor who said that even a ringing fire alarm bell was music. I still don’t believe it.
I have always been of the opinion that “abstract impressionism” (that’s Pollack, Klee, et al) was a con by disgusted artists; “All these ‘art critics’ and gallery haunters think they’re so hip & aware; let’s see how ridiculous we can get before they admit they don’t get it” – which, of course, they never did.
McColl34 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Well, yes . . . but maybe a few other people?
(Who probably have art of their own to sell?)
KFischer1 about 3 years ago
Three lights on a wall, one burnt out. Yes I actually saw that.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 years ago
Went to the “ART” Museum show. 3 whitewashed plywood boards. $1500. Yeah!
car2ner about 3 years ago
when I see crappy art I think “money laundering”
david_42 about 3 years ago
It’s called Municipal Art. Utterly meaningless, purchased by a clueless Art Council, too abstract for anyone to be offended – except for the whole, “The City paid $245,000 for that!?”
clynnb1224 Premium Member about 3 years ago
one year our state was tearing down an overpass, cuz there was a sinkhole and when the overpass was removed you never noticed the sinkhole that much…but i digress…anyway, back to my point…all the rebar & concrete was a tangled balled up mess in the median of the interstate & my brother who worked for the state, took a picture of the rebar & concrete & ART was the first thing that came to mind when i saw that…the second thing that came to mind was put this picture into a puzzle and wouldn’t that be a wonderful challenge?!
John Lamb Premium Member about 3 years ago
I always thought that “art” should be esthetically pleasing, like “music.” Then again, I had a professor who said that even a ringing fire alarm bell was music. I still don’t believe it.
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
A fool and their money will soon be parted. Call it what you will, it’s not art for me…..
Howie Vasive Premium Member about 3 years ago
Not sure who said it first, but I heard it from a friend, “If that’s art, I can $h!# a masterpiece.”
Cozmik Cowboy about 3 years ago
I have always been of the opinion that “abstract impressionism” (that’s Pollack, Klee, et al) was a con by disgusted artists; “All these ‘art critics’ and gallery haunters think they’re so hip & aware; let’s see how ridiculous we can get before they admit they don’t get it” – which, of course, they never did.
MCProfessor about 3 years ago
In one of my art classes someone asked the instructor to define art. She answered that if someone calls it art, it’s art.
sperry532 about 3 years ago
Art is anything you can get away with. — Marshall McLuhan
Ukko wilko about 3 years ago
In many cases the “art” is convincing fools to buy garbage.