I worked at a shoe store once and a man’s total came to $6.66. He wanted the store to charge him a penny more so he wouldn’t have that number on his receipt. Incidentally, my first, middle, and last names all have six letters. What do you know? It wasn’t Reagan who was the Anti-Christ, IT WAS ME! >;-)
Tresix 4 months ago
I worked at a shoe store once and a man’s total came to $6.66. He wanted the store to charge him a penny more so he wouldn’t have that number on his receipt. Incidentally, my first, middle, and last names all have six letters. What do you know? It wasn’t Reagan who was the Anti-Christ, IT WAS ME! >;-)
ForALaugh Premium Member 4 months ago
Yesteryear’s idiot, today’s MAGAt.