The Knight Life by Keith Knight for January 18, 2017
Like a lot of folks here, I was against the government forcing health care down my throat!! But like motorcycle helmets and seat belt I got used to it... AM I the only person who has a problem with politicians who have government health care voting to take away mine?
Adiraiju about 8 years ago
Eh, depends on the health care. And whether you trust your doctors or not.
(I trust exactly one doctor who takes my insurance with my personal health. All the others I’ve seen are utterly incompetent.)
Phred Premium Member about 8 years ago
That’s a version of the golden rule.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 8 years ago
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
This is only one instance where the rules don’t apply to Congress. While each House of Congress can make they’re own procedural rules, it’s too bad the Supreme Court never ruled what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!
steverinoCT about 8 years ago
A better analogy is automobile insurance: you have to have it, even though you may be the safest driver ever. OTOH, you ARE going to get sick. And getting regular checkups etc. leads to better health and a less-costly life in the long run.
steverinoCT about 8 years ago
…And insurance from the Exchanges is essentially group insurance via a private company. It is not “government insurance”, any more than my auto and homeowner’s insurance. The gov mandates you have it, and sets out the minimum requirements, same as auto insurance. Sure, the young invincibles are propping up the old and frail, but in thirty years…
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
And if it’s repealed, and “replaced”, there will be another spike in ER visits, which we know gets passed on in higher costs to ALL, regardless of what our “non profit” hospitals say. They still have to make ends meet.
Roadrunner Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hello, the dark overlords struck again. Actuaries figure the odds to see how much to charge for a policy. The dark overlords wanted everyone to have the same coverage (think about the so called architects that called us stupid public and cheated to get it passed and Obama who lied out his posterior to con the people into accepting it). An example, a couple 55 years old are forced to carry pregnancy coverage and pregnancy coverage is very expensive. Under Obama Careless, healthy young people can not buy major medical that has a large deductible and very low premium. Now, health companies can offer policies custom tailored to the client, not Nancy “pass it then find out what it says” Pelosi’s idea of inadequate coverage at an unaffordable cost. Satisfied with your premium and the doctor crammed down your throat, then keep Obama Careless coverage. There will be no gap between your present coverage and the new, better and more affordable coverage, so stop sniffing the “poison potion in the chalice from the palace” (old Danny Kay film reference) and the lies told by the so called Progressives who only want to screw us out of our right to make our own decisions. Do a little research before you give away my freedom thank you very much.
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
Maybe YOU should look into better coverage! Most people who complain about Obamacare aren’t covered by it, but b**** about their premiums going up every year. They have ALWAYS gone up. And the Congressional Budget Office has estimated a 25% YEARLY increase based on floated Republican “health care” plans. Of course, as with the ethics office, Republicans will find a way to question and “rein in” this “out of control” agency!
TIMH about 8 years ago
I would like to see Obama Care repealed and replaced…By a single-payer system. Hey, we would all pay higher taxes, but those would probably not be anywhere near as much as insurance premiums. That would take the burden off of businesses as well. It’s funny, the disciples of Ayn Rand who hate all of the social safety net programs seem not to know or acknowledge the fact that Ms Rand spent her final years absolutely dependent on Social Security and Medicare, much to her chagrin.
K M about 8 years ago
How about (1) politicians saying “You have to vote for the law before you can see what’s in the law”; and (2) politicians exempting themselves not only from this oppressive debacle, but also from every other law they’ve ever passed?
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
I guess turn about IS fair play, but Republicans have been using that strategy about “repeal and replace” over 60 times. Take us on faith, it will be better. But it was THEIR program in the first place. So, replace YOUR (now HIS, and we hate it) program with what?
edward thomas Premium Member about 8 years ago
Faith based healing. How appropriate!