Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 05, 2000
learn, if you dare, the... forbidden fantasies of bob bob works out a plan to slowly and methodically use all the pennies in his burgeoning penny jar, such as extracting exactly fifty pennies to buy a newspaper every day. bob somehow meets tom hanks and, after flattering him with his honest appraisal of 'that thing you do' as an artistic success, engages him freewheeling discussion of science fiction movies. bob finally resolves a nagging risk - that one of his CDs could be stolen or, missing and he wouldn't notice - by indexing his collection on his computer. bob meets the comissioner of baseball and convinces him to adopt bob;s complex plan to make the all-star game more exciting by awarding home field advantage to the team the winning league send to the world series. bob convinces vcr manufacturers that even though there would be no conceivable purpose for an 'eject' button on the remote control, people do expect and want one.
john_wyatt over 5 years ago
My Blu-Ray remote has an eject button….