Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for July 07, 2007
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Top Secret Files of Dick Cheney 60 Miles Beneath Death Valley Aide: Vice President Cheney! The law says we must give archivists information on our classified data! Dick Cheney: Foolish surface dwellers! SNAP Dick Cheney: No one will ever know about my secret files! Aide #2: Time for the energy policy meeting, sir! Dick Cheney: I know that, moron! Have a buckshot brunch! BAM Aide #2: My face! Dick Cheney: Note to file: Need more aides! Dick Cheney: Ha! They think that if they saw who advised me on energy policy, they'd get names like Ken Lay! Demon: Heh...heh... Dick Cheney: Well, I'm off... Dick Cheney: Has he agreed that the vice president isn't in the executive branch yet? Torturer: No! James Madison is pretty tough! INTERROGATION ROOM James: AUGGH! Dick Cheney: Get "innovative"! I didn't extradite him from the 18th century for his wife's snack cake recipes! Aide: They're asking more questions about secret files! Dick Cheney: I see action must be taken up top! Nanobots disassemble! Dick Cheney: Ah, it feels good to have my few remaining biological organs relax for a moment. But...back to work. Lord, I miss Scooter... Dick Cheney: Nanobots, reassemble as...TIM RUSSERT! Osama, write all this down and file it. Osama Bin Laden: Yes, sir!