The Seeing Stone seems analogous to the knothole in the wooden fence in yesterday’s strip. Here’s what mickjam said about that in yesterday’s forum:
“Just taking the care to put, in the final panel, a knot in the wood plank. It’s like you get to peep through this tiny portal into their world, one which is kinder and gentler. Awesome.”
If you had a holodeck that could recreate any historic event or create a fantasy to your specifications, why would you ever leave? Other than for clean up or because Quark said your time is up?
darkwingdave almost 4 years ago
Could be worse. Could be the Far Harbor program in another game. Although I suspect Wallace might like that one more.
LastRoseofSummer Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Best mother ever.
face.less_b almost 4 years ago
Hard to see from my phone but I perceive a little parental wistfulness of a place that is lost in the future and only available in artificial reality.
Tigrisan Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Reading this strip, which I absolutely love, makes me wonder sometimes just how far removed from Will’s reality it really is…
Pet almost 4 years ago
I believe that is actually called a Hag Stone.
Fontessa almost 4 years ago
Mrs McClellan is a great Mom.
Ida No almost 4 years ago
Wallace: “It’s sooo real I feel like I can just reach out and touch it!”
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Panel 3. I think most of us agree with Wallace here.
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The Seeing Stone seems analogous to the knothole in the wooden fence in yesterday’s strip. Here’s what mickjam said about that in yesterday’s forum:
“Just taking the care to put, in the final panel, a knot in the wood plank. It’s like you get to peep through this tiny portal into their world, one which is kinder and gentler. Awesome.”
An uncanny insight, no?
shawnc1959 almost 4 years ago
Wallace should be using it to look at stock market futures.
golfgranny47 almost 4 years ago
I love how Wallace’s mom is on the same page as him! They have the same adventurous imagination!
jschumaker almost 4 years ago
I see Will has picked up another nickname.
crookedwolf Premium Member almost 4 years ago
A hologram of Snug Harbor on a spaceship, or Snug Harbor for real – either way, your future is sweet!
Kroykali almost 4 years ago
Computer, end program.
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
Definition of Imagination: Wallace of Snug Harbor
Diamond Lil almost 4 years ago
I love you Wallace
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
My Holodeck is permanently set to the “29 Year Old Raquel Welch in a String Bikini on a Desert Island” program.
StoicLion1973 almost 4 years ago
If you had a holodeck that could recreate any historic event or create a fantasy to your specifications, why would you ever leave? Other than for clean up or because Quark said your time is up?
martynhappyone almost 4 years ago
The world would be an incredible place if more mothers (and parents) were like that.
rroxxanna almost 4 years ago
This is one of the reasons why parenthood is great.
MCProfessor almost 4 years ago
I’ve read that, if you find a rock with a naturally formed hole in it, that you can see the fairy world through it.
rick92040 almost 4 years ago
If he had two of those stones he could see it in 3D
Publius10608218 almost 4 years ago
I read you see the fairy realm through those.
FunnyMinnion almost 4 years ago
Spud needs that
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I’d run that program!
ThePersonOnGoComics almost 4 years ago
I love Wallace’s imagination :)
neatslob Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I thought a rock with a hole in it was called a bagel.
B.comics.61 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Every day. Every. Single. Day. There’s one more reason to love “Wallace the Brave” even more than you did the day before.
JH&Cats almost 4 years ago
Wasn’t there a one-liner comic who said he wanted a 1:1 map of his state but couldn’t fit it into the glove box?
kmccjoe1 almost 4 years ago
No snark here—I just love this strip! Will Henry, you make my day.
PujaDidwaniya almost 4 years ago
is it fake
wordsmeet over 3 years ago
Wallace is a trekker.
wordsmeet over 3 years ago
Nice homage to Star Trek: TNG, Mr. Henry.