“I must say,” observed Voltaire Yakamoto, “that this habit of recruiting call center employees from distant lands is increasing by leaps and bounds. And I do hope that fellow at least has a seat booster.” “I’m not sure he needs a booster,” came the counter-observation from Parsifal Hackenschmidt, his fellow Accountant of Fortune™.
ChukLitl Premium Member 2 months ago
I thought Yoda’s grammar was;
Object(look where I’m pointing not at my finger)
Action(deal with it).
EOCostello 2 months ago
“I must say,” observed Voltaire Yakamoto, “that this habit of recruiting call center employees from distant lands is increasing by leaps and bounds. And I do hope that fellow at least has a seat booster.” “I’m not sure he needs a booster,” came the counter-observation from Parsifal Hackenschmidt, his fellow Accountant of Fortune™.
gmu328 2 months ago
sounds like a help line for an addiction … sure hope it’s not to quit using MMM apps