When Mr. Belmont said “You know what the bible says … ‘Eat what’s set before you’ …”, I decided to check it out. It seems to be taken from (written in) 1 Corinthians 10:23-33.
I believe, however, if you take what it says in those verses and understand it in context, it was not intended the way Mr. Belmont is using it towards Zack. It was not meant to compel or guilt someone into eating food they don’t like or don’t want to eat. It was more intended as a way of being considerate to the hospitality of hosts (especially toward nonbelievers).
A tip of the hat to the colorists who usually do a fine job, and in this case, they certainly provided Zack’s point of view for whatever THAT ison the plate.
We were poor. When I was five years old, my brothers and I rebelled after having bologna sandwiches for lunch three months solid. I took our sandwiches, wrapped them in napkins and stuffed them behind the refrigerator. At the time, I thought it was a perfect plan and couldn’t figure out how Mom caught on to my scheme.
Yakety Sax 4 months ago
Should have simply gave him a slice of bread and a glass of water!
mccollunsky 4 months ago
I don’t know what that is either.
markkahler52 4 months ago
Especially if it’s a pizza! Which is not THIS!!
Doug K 4 months ago
When Mr. Belmont said “You know what the bible says … ‘Eat what’s set before you’ …”, I decided to check it out. It seems to be taken from (written in) 1 Corinthians 10:23-33.
I believe, however, if you take what it says in those verses and understand it in context, it was not intended the way Mr. Belmont is using it towards Zack. It was not meant to compel or guilt someone into eating food they don’t like or don’t want to eat. It was more intended as a way of being considerate to the hospitality of hosts (especially toward nonbelievers).
bueller 4 months ago
A tip of the hat to the colorists who usually do a fine job, and in this case, they certainly provided Zack’s point of view for whatever THAT ison the plate.
mousefumanchu Premium Member 4 months ago
Could make. A meal out of rye bread and buttter.
Comic Minister Premium Member 4 months ago
Mr. Belmont is right about that. By the way I love that expression on Zack’s face.
mistercatworks 4 months ago
We were poor. When I was five years old, my brothers and I rebelled after having bologna sandwiches for lunch three months solid. I took our sandwiches, wrapped them in napkins and stuffed them behind the refrigerator. At the time, I thought it was a perfect plan and couldn’t figure out how Mom caught on to my scheme.
Scoutmaster77 4 months ago
That brown color is somewhat disturbing…
Bill The Nuke 4 months ago
I would have been sent to bed hungry had I said something like that.