Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for August 16, 2013

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    j2p2  about 11 years ago

    Very cool quote and art!!

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    DeepLogic  about 11 years ago

    Rest In Peace Steve.

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    gilmccarthy  about 11 years ago

    I’ll bet that Steve would have liked to have seen his Apple II+ in that collage. My first computer and all I did was play Castle Wolfenstein. A very expensive toy!

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    gilmccarthy  about 11 years ago

    Also, my daughters spilled a bowl of Tomato Soup inside the air vents. Nothing happened except for a red interior. What a PC!

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    ncalifgirl58  about 11 years ago

    Very cool. Great start to my day. Happy Friday all.

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    Vet Premium Member about 11 years ago

    We do owe him alot.Complete shut off of the human race to be replaced by machines. Albums are gone.Face to face talking is a thing of the past.Humanity retreats to the screens, ear buds, and never leaves or unplugs.Everything you think, do, and say is recorded by anyone and everyone with a cell phone.Your entire life posted on links, blogs, and whatever wether you want it to be posted or not.Guess what? I think I am going to go outside and catch some sun.But dont worry. I will be back and you can see I am posting here. He did change alot with new devices. The real hero is the one who invented the ability just to click a link on screen.How many remember the the old C prompt days or DOS?He was a very creative man.

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    PoodleGroomer  about 11 years ago

    All of his ideas came out 6 months late and technically a generation behind. He was obsessively right about everything, including how to cure his own cancer. He was fired for trying to stick with Motorola 68k processors which proved to be software incompatible between generations, destabilized his hardware and software base, his company and destroyed its stock value. The greatest asset he brought back when they rehired him was his ability to borrow millions from Bill Gates. Apples greatest asset is the licensing rights owned by iTunes.

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    BellaNana  about 11 years ago

    But look at all the GOOD he did!

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    Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Bravo, Gavin! ….. I should point out that Jobs was not without his shortcomings, but who isn’t? I could list the personality flaws of Thomas Jefferson, Ghandi, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, and Ben Franklin…. but they still brought temendous gifts and laudable visions to humanity. I just want to appreciate, but not deify, visionaries ….! Keep up the wonderful work.

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    Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 11 years ago

    PS, With respect, to PoodleGroomer — which is worse, being obsessively right about your point of view, or always finding someone else’s point of view to kow tow to. They say, If you have a dream … get a team!

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    hippogriff  about 11 years ago

    What? No 512? or pizza box?

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    gary wolner  about 11 years ago

    Good words to live by.

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    tigerchik32  about 11 years ago

    Man, I thought I was a cynic… try listening to your own heart once in a while, if you have one.

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    OldCodgerMc  about 11 years ago

    But it’s not funny, it’s not a comic.

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    yesca  about 11 years ago

    Dogmatic, at best.

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    Darryl Heine  about 11 years ago

    Ties in with the new Ashton Kutcher JOBS movie, I guess.

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    lopaka  about 11 years ago

    he also sent several thousand Americans’ jobs to communist China because we would not work as slaves at his whim. He found those that would. His response to the president was basically those jobs will not be coming back. So I say that this Jobs is not coming back. Amen

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    kaffekup   about 11 years ago

    I’ve heard people love the new ad campaign, “Designed in California”, is it? How about “Built by slaves in China?”

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  19. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  about 11 years ago

    Aaaaand..he’s still dead at 56, plus his company is hitting the skids with Android outselling Iphones 20 to 1.

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