Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for October 06, 2014
DANGER! BEWARE! WATCH TOWER PROTECTED When I meet people in different parts of the world… …I am always reminded that we are all basically alike. We are all human beings. Maybe we have different clothes… …our skin is of a different colour… …or we speak different languages. That is on the surface. But basically, we are the same human beings. that is what binds us to each other. That is what makes it possible for us to understand each other… …and to develop friendship and closeness. - Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Well said, Buddhists’ Your Holiness… coming from a Christian.
L over 10 years ago
Kind&Kinder over 10 years ago
Straightforward truth, Gavin. Great job.
Vet Premium Member over 10 years ago
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
Religion is just the local packaging that encloses universal spirituality. (It’s other things of course.) It’s one’s own degree of consciousness and clarity at that particular moment that determines to what amount and form we perceive this spirituality, whether as a mystic or a fundamentalist, and all in between. And this is coming from a nice Hinjew Pagan !!
cripplious over 10 years ago
Itll be sad when he dies and the Buddhists civil war breaks out. China will bring forth their candidate and the exiles bring their candidate
sottwell over 10 years ago
Very nice philosophy, but not very practical. I notice that he doesn’t live in Tibet under Chinese rule.
Darwinskeeper over 10 years ago
I think it is ultimately very practical to develop friendship and understanding with others. That is what allows people to work together. One of the problem with the political situation we have in this country is that too many people focus on the differences and become hyper focused on those things instead of what they can agree on. We are all the poorer for that.