What does the market price mean? Well in many countries a market is a type of bazaar located in the center of the town where many merchants have set up booths or stalls to sell their wares. It is common policy to bargain and haggle over the price. For instance if the restaurant opens with the price being, say $50, you say I will give you $20. then the owner will counter with $40. You say $25. The owner will drop to $30. If you accept the $30 as a good deal, well that is the MARKET price. What the market will bear.
The price YOU pay for ANYTHING is ultimately determined by whether you’re willing to pay what the seller is asking – if you DON’T buy what the seller is offering, the price will ultimately drop – or the seller will go out of business…
In MY world, growing up, milk was not a necessity, things like bread were made at home and most things were either made or grown, I don’t live that way now, but I COULD if I had to – “necessity” is a very slippery thing to define – is the “Kobe” beef I eat a necessity? of course not, but I like it and I can afford it so I eat it – a bologna sandwich fills me up, as well, and, as I remember, also tasted good ( and no, I no longer eat such things, but that’s because I get tired of listening to my wife’s haranguing me about my eating choices.)
Yakety Sax 3 months ago
Very true!
Doug K 3 months ago
If you have to ask …
dcdete. 3 months ago
What does the market price mean? Well in many countries a market is a type of bazaar located in the center of the town where many merchants have set up booths or stalls to sell their wares. It is common policy to bargain and haggle over the price. For instance if the restaurant opens with the price being, say $50, you say I will give you $20. then the owner will counter with $40. You say $25. The owner will drop to $30. If you accept the $30 as a good deal, well that is the MARKET price. What the market will bear.
Direwolf 3 months ago
It means whatever we say it means.
Popcorn king 3 months ago
I learned the hard way. My father had a conversation with me about it in the parking lot after dinner.
Slowly, he turned... 3 months ago
It means no one can afford it.
Strawberry King 3 months ago
Can he make monthly payments?
LaughterIsJoyMuliplied 3 months ago
Run Ziggie
wellis1947 Premium Member 3 months ago
The price YOU pay for ANYTHING is ultimately determined by whether you’re willing to pay what the seller is asking – if you DON’T buy what the seller is offering, the price will ultimately drop – or the seller will go out of business…
In MY world, growing up, milk was not a necessity, things like bread were made at home and most things were either made or grown, I don’t live that way now, but I COULD if I had to – “necessity” is a very slippery thing to define – is the “Kobe” beef I eat a necessity? of course not, but I like it and I can afford it so I eat it – a bologna sandwich fills me up, as well, and, as I remember, also tasted good ( and no, I no longer eat such things, but that’s because I get tired of listening to my wife’s haranguing me about my eating choices.)
kathleenhicks62 3 months ago
It means they can charge whatever they want- – -not a place to go eat. Probably egotistical cooks!
Rose Madder Premium Member 3 months ago
The worst thing about market price – the serving will still be miniscule in those type of places.
eced52 3 months ago
Standard menu in the United States,
PAR85 3 months ago
Market Price is usually 3 times what you would pay if you bought it at the market.